How do “One-Size” cloth nappies fit from birth to potty?
By: Karen On:9 December 2016

How do adjustable cloth nappies fit from birth to potty?
The invention of the adjustable birth to potty cloth nappy has made life so much easier and affordable hasn't it? Adjustable nappies fit babies at their as they grow by having an adjustment, usually on the rise (rise meaning the front of the nappy), that makes the nappy shorter or longer. This in combination with a generous waist that closes tighter or looser around the baby with snaps or velcro means the nappy can last through to potty training ... and probably be used for the next baby too!
Newborn babies don't come with manuals, but our cloth nappies do! If it is your first time using adjustables, here are a step-by-step directions on how to put the darn things on!:
Unless your baby is a very heavy wetter, you may get away with just one insert or the “newborn” insert during this phase to cut down on bulk. Still, fabric between the legs can add to the bulky appearance even if the diapers aren’t stuffed. At this stage the diaper will fit OVER the belly button even on the smallest rise setting. This is totally normal. I made a chart on the one size diapers on a newborn used on my son, 3 years ago, for reference. Many of the diapers used have new versions by now though